Canadian Resources

Here's a collection of Canadian links that may be of interest to you. If you have any suggestions please free to forward them to me ... enjoy and pass the word


Assembly Of First Nations

The story of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is one that remains unknown to most Canadians. It is the story that is lived each day by the First Nations peoples of Canada. It is the story of a struggle for self-determination and human dignity. It is a story that must be told.


Many Canadians are unaware of the enormous problems that the First Nations peoples have faced on the road to political recognition in this country.


Few Canadians realize that the First Nations peoples are identified in the Constitution as one of the founding nations of Canada, along with the English and French. Few Canadians are aware that up until the 1983-87 First Ministers Conference on Aboriginal Rights, the First Nations People were excluded from taking part in the Constitutional developments of Canada. First Nations peoples have had to deal with conditions of extreme poverty and isolation, and vast geographical dispersion, within the tremendous diversity of aboriginal cultures, languages, and political ideologies. Improved communications and transportation have allowed First Nations Peoples to begin to talk to each other, to the rest of Canada, and to the rest of the world. These relatively recent developments have meant that the First Nations Peoples have had to work harder and faster in order to catch up with the federal and provincial governments in the fields of political knowledge, political reality, and especially in political expertise. The years of being excluded from Canada's formal political process has left First Nations Peoples with an incredible void to fill just in order to attain a level of political, social, and legal knowledge that is on par with other groups in Canadian society. ... read more ...


  Inuit Friendship Centre 


  Kagita Mikam - Kagita Mikam was established to provide a cooperative working relationship with all Aboriginal First Nations, organizations and associations within the service catchment area.

This cooperative working relationship will ensure that the employment and training needs of the aboriginal people in the area will be addressed.

Kagita Mikam is attempting to increase the skill level of aboriginal people to find permanent employment.


  Minwashin Lodge - "We envision a world where all of creation, the earth, the air, the waters, animals and people are safe, honoured and respected; where children and elders are valued; where culture and diversity are celebrated."   

The mission of Minwaashin Lodge is to provide prevention and intervention services and programs for grandmothers, women, children and youth who are survivors of family violence and the residential school system, including those impacted by intergenerational effects. A full range of violence prevention and intervention programs and services is provided in the context of reclaiming the wisdom of First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultural teachings. 


  Wabano Health Centre -  The Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health is an award-winning charity that is a leader in community-based, holistic health care; bridging Native cultural practices with Western medicine to combat poverty and illness in Canada’s First Peoples. In just over a decade, Wabano has become a premier health care facility in Canada – garnering international recognition for its innovative and successful approaches to wellness. Each year, Wabano provides professional services and cultural events to over 10,000 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people – opening their doors to serve and build capacity in the entire community.




"The American Indian is of the soil, whether it be the region of forests, plains, pueblos, or mesas. He fits into the landscape, for the hand that fashioned the continent also fashioned the man for his surroundings. He once grew as naturally as the wild sunflowers, he belongs just as the buffalo belonged...."

- Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Sioux Chief