California Culture

california cultures

The California Indians comprise diverse tribes within the California Culture Area, which includes the state of California and the Lower California Peninsula in Mexico. The Sierra Nevada mountain range acts as a natural barrier in the eastern region, causing some tribes to be categorized in the Great Basin and Southwest Culture Areas, while tribes near the California-Oregon border are included in the Northwest Coast and Plateau Culture Areas.

Within the California Culture Area, the smaller Coast Range runs north-south and the Great California Valley lies between the two mountain ranges, formed by the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers and their tributaries. The amount of rainfall varies greatly from north to south, with northern uplands receiving the most precipitation, resulting in tall forests. The south of the region is much drier, with the Mojave Desert near the California-Arizona border, and most coastal lowlands in Mexico being desert country.

Despite the varying climate, the California Culture Area offered abundant wild plant foods and game, allowing the California Indians to thrive as hunter-gatherers without the need for farming. Tobacco was the only cultivated crop found in the region.

There were many different California peoples, speaking at least 100 distinct dialects. The main language groups identified are the Athapascan language family (part of the Na-Dene language phylum), the Hokan language phylum, the Penutian language phylum, and the Uto-Aztecan language family (part of the Aztec-Tanoan language phylum).

Among the ATHAPASCANS, mostly in the north, are the Bear River, Cahto (Kato), Chilula, HUPA, Lassik, Mattole, Nongatl, Sinkyone, TOLOWA, Wailaki, and Whilkut.

Among the Hokan tribes, speaking dialects of a number of small language families or language isolates, are the ACHOMAWI (PIT RIVER), Atsugewi, CHIMARIKO, CHUMASH, ESSELEN, KAROK, Konomihu, New River Indians, Okwanuchu, POMO, SALINAS, SHASTA, YAHI, and Yana. The larger Yuman language family is also part of the Hokan phylum. The Yuman-speaking tribes in the culture area are Akwaala, DIEGUEÑO (TIPAI-IPAI), Kamia, plust tribes to the south in Baja California, now part of Mexico.

Among the Penutian tribes, speaking dialects of a number of small language families, are COSTANOAN, MAIDU, MIWOK, WINTUN, and YOKUTS.

Among the Uto-Aztecan-speaking tribes, mostly in the south, are Alliklik (Tataviam), CAHUILLA, CUPEÑO, Fernandeño, GABRIELEÑO, Juaneño, Kitanemuk, LUISEÑO, Nicoleño, Serrano, Tubatulabal, and Vanyume. Many of these Uto-Aztecan peoples came to be known historically as MISSION INDIANS.

calforniaOther languages are identified in the California Culture Area as well: dialects of Algonquian (Ritwan subgroup), spoken by the Wiyot and YUROK, making these peoples the westernmost ALGONQUIANS; and a language family known as Yukian (of undetermined phylum affiliation), spoken by the Huchnom, Wappo, and YUKI.


The dietary staple of California Indians was the acorn, the fruit of the oak tree. Native peoples collected them in the fall. They removed the kernels from the shells, placed them in the sun to dry out, pounded them into a flour, then repeatedly poured hot water over the flour to remove the bitter-tasting tannic acid. Then they boiled the acorn meal into a soup or mush or baked it into a bread. Other wild plant foods included berries, nuts, seeds, greens, roots, bulbs, and tubers. Sun-dried berries, roots, and seeds also were used to make cakes.

California Indians also ate insects. They picked grubs and caterpillars off plants. They boiled the caterpillars with salt, considering them a delicacy. They drove grasshoppers into pits, then roasted them. And they collected honeydew as another delicacy, rolling it into pellets. (Insects called aphids suck the juices of plants and secrete sweet-tasting honeydew.)

Rabbits were common throughout the culture area. The Indians used snares and other kinds of traps to catch them, as well as bows and arrows and clubs. In pursuit of deer, California Indians journeyed into the hill country, hunting with bows and arrows or herding them into corrals. Waterfowl also provided meat. Ducks, geese, swans, and other birds migrating from the north in the autumn descended on the marshes. The Indians shot at them from blinds with bows and arrows or bagged them from boats with nets.

California Indians had many different methods of fishing, including hooks and lines, spears, nets, and weirs (enclosures). Lakes, rivers, and the sea offered their catch. Along the seashore and in tidal basins, the Indians also gathered clams, oysters, mussels, abalones, and scallops. And they hunted seals and sea otters.


California Indians lived in many different kinds of houses. The most typical house throughout the culture area was cone-shaped, about eight feet in diameter at the base. It was constructed from poles covered with brush, grass, reeds, or mats of tule (a king of bulrush). Other kinds of dwellings included domed earth-covered pithouses and lean-tos of bark slabs. In the northern part of the culture area, some Indians built wood plank houses more typical of the NORTHWEST COAST INDIANS. Most of the California houses served as single-family dwellings, but some were communal or ceremonial. Others served as sweathouses.


Clothing in much of the region was minimal because of the warm climate. Men often went completely naked or wore simple animal-skin or bark breechcloths. Women always wore at least fringed aprons in the front and back, made from animal skins or shredded willow bark. After the coming of non-Indians, cotton came to replace bark in many instances. Headwear included basket hats, iris fiber hairnets, feather headbands, and feather crowns. Some California Indians went barefoot; others wore ankle-high leather moccasins or sandals made from the yucca plant. In cold weather, robes and blankets of rabbit skin, seaotter fur, or feathers were draped over the shoulders. Shell jewelry was widespread, as was the practice of tattooing.


With regard to transportation, California Indians usually traveled by foot. But they also had different kinds of craft for transporting supplies by water. Some peoples, such as the Yurok, made simple dugouts, carved from redwood logs. Rafts were more common in the culture area, made from logs or from tule. The tule rafts are known as balsas. The tule reeds were tied together into watertight bundles. The bundles would become waterlogged after repeated use, but would dry out in the sun. One tribe, the Chumash, made boats out of pine planks lashed together with fiber cordage and caulked with asphalt, the only plank boats made by Native Americans.

Arts and Crafts

California Indians are famous for their basketry. They used baskets for cooking, placing heated stones in them to boil water (stone-boiling), as well as for carrying, storing, winnowing, and other purposes. There were six to eight different kinds of baskets alone for processing acorns. Basketwork was also used to make hats, mats, traps, and baby carriers. The Pomo decorated their baskets with feathers.

Other California household items included wooden and ceramic bowls, soapstone (steatite) vessels, antler and shell spoons, tule mats, and wooden headrests. Ceremonial objects included stone and clay pipes; rattles made from gourds, rawhide, turtle-shell, deer hooves, and cocoons; plus various other instruments, including drums, flutes, whistles, bull-roarers, and stick-clappers. Strings of disk-shaped dentalium shells were used as a medium of exchange. Trading was widespread among
California peoples.



Some California tribes had single shamans; others had secret societies made up of several members, such as the Kuksu Cult of the Wintun, Maidu, and other tribes of the central California region. Initiation rites were important to California peoples, especially rites involving passage from childhood into adulthood. Death rites were also important. Many California Indians, especially in the central and southern region, cremated their dead. As with all Native Americans, music and dancing played an important part in ceremonies. Some peoples used a tea made from parts of the poisonous jimsonweed plant to induce visions.

Social Structure

Concerning social and political organization, the California peoples were not made up of politically cohesive tribes, but rather interrelated villages. The term tribelet is often applied to California Indians in reference to the relationship between the permanent central village and temporary satellite villages. A single chief, a fatherly figure, presided over each tribelet. Most clans, groups of related families within the tribelet, were traced through the father’s line. California Indians did not have war chiefs, as did other Native Americans, nor systems of bestowing war honors. Warfare was usually carried out for the purpose of revenge rather than for acquiring food, slaves, or possessions.


California Indians enjoyed many kinds of games. One favorite was hoop-and-pole, in which a pole was thrown or slid at a rolling hoop. Another game involved catching aring on a stick or throwing the ring at a pin, as in quoits. Ball games were also popular, including a variety of both lacrosse and soccer. Shinny, in which participants used curved sticks to throw blocks of wood, was also widespread. Indoor games included dice and other counting and betting games. Cat’s cradle, in which a string looped on one person’s hands in the shape of a cradle is transferred to another person, was a favorite hand game.

As this book shows time and again, it is difficult to generalize about Indian tribes even in a region where the peoples had as many cultural traits in common as they did in the California Culture Area. In order to grasp the subtleties and distinctions among California Indians and what happened to them after contacts with non-Indians, see the entries for particular tribes and the entry on Mission Indians.


"A very great vision is needed and the man who has it must follow it as the eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky.” - Crazy Horse, Sioux Chief