Fan Subscription


Thank you for your consideration.


Fan Subscription was designed to help page operators develop content.


For a $2.49 monthly subscription fee you get a facebook supporters badge and access to a private group for supporters only.



This is all new for me.

Here's what I'd like to provide for my fan subscriptions.

1. List of Online Native American Storefronts.

2. Content Creation: I desperately need graphic designers to help me with the visual aspect of the network. Websites, facebook posts, advertisements and protest content.

3. Provide audio recordings(video) of all the legends and prayers found on the network.

4. Hire free lancers to help develop the network.

5. Access to over 70 online Native American Books that where digitalized.

6. Unique Videos that people would like me to share with a limited audience. (movie trailers, ect ...)
Contact and recognition of individuals who help this network.


I could think of a hundred more thinks I can share, but I might as well just start sharing ...


Thanks for your time.


