Children Are The Future


Children are gifts of the Creator and of ourselves. By raising them to the best of our ability, we are reciprocating that gift and showing our thankfulness for life and for the blessings of the Great Spirit. This requires much time, love, forgiveness, and understanding on the part of the parents and grandparents-- but the rewards for the child (and for the community as a whole) are immeasurable.

Also, it is not enough to raise your own children and grandchildren. You should bestow what you can to all children of the earth.

It is strictly believed and understood by the Sioux that a child is the greatest gift from Wakan Tanka in response to many devout prayers, sacrifices, and promises. Therefore the child is consid- ered "sent by Wakan Tanka" through some element--namely the element of human nature.


There is nothing as eloquent as a rattlesnakes tail.

- Navajo